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Natura store display

Thanks to my lovely half Brazilian friend Maira, I have recently discovered a wonderful new line of eco-friendly beauty products called Natura, which hail straight from the below the equator. The boutique, located at 2 place Michel Debré in the 6th arrondissement, whisks one into the tropics with its rainforest decor and fresh smells. With a wide range of products, ranging from shampoos to body oil, and from hand creams to make up, all the products have one thing in common. They are all made from fair trade ingredients (most of them unique to the rainforest and surrounding region) that are a result of Natura’s commitment to preserving the Brazilian environment and supporting its local communities. In addition, every product has a refill option which not only saves on packaging, but also makes it cheaper to buy.

A line of Natura products

My first purchase was modest…I went just with a simple hand cream enriched with Maracuja oil that smells heavenly thinking…well, even if my hands stay impossibly dry, as they tend to so, at least they’ll smell good! Turns out, not only does the product work, but it had the added bonus of strengthening my nails so I could keep them long and healthy. I will now be anticipating further surprise results from other products in the near future…

As far as I know, Natura has unfortunately yet to make it to the States. =( But for those who are not based in Paris, or Brazil, you can certainly order products online – though I admit their website is not nearly as appealing as the effect of setting foot into one of their shops! The day I went in, Natura had a charming guitarist playing classical acoustic guitar at the coffee/bar level and of course I had to stop for some free brazilian candies just to check him out!


2 place Michel Debré

Paris, 75006

Hours: 10:30 – 19:30

01 42 22 12 59

My new favorite belt - an Omaya purchase at 10€

So, while I’ve cooled off on shopping for a bit (translated as saving up for the soldes…), this place opened a block away from my apartment and as you can see, I felt absolutely compelled to drag my ass in there to see what it was all about.

And well, I was not disappointed!! Omaya, recently opened and run by a charming man by the name of Thomas, was a treasure chest of tried and true vintage from the 70’s and 80’s. Thomas carefully sorts through everything leaving his boutique stashed full of the cream of the crop – dresses, shoes, blouses, overalls (yes apparently they are making a comeback), belts, purses, and boots. He gets most of his clothing from Italy and France, and has really taken the time to chose quality over quantity. No out of season H&M peices here…it’s the real stuff. And the prices — can not be beat!!

Omaya Vintage - the treasure chest!!

If you don’t have time to check it out, Omaya also has an online boutique ( that features the new stock and a good portion of what Thomas sells at the shop. They can also be found on Facebook at (

Omaya Vintage

29 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud

75011, Paris

Mon-Sat (10am-7pm)

Les p'tites indécises

Les p'tites indécises

My newest coup de coeur, when it comes to fine dining at a great price, is hands down a small lively restaurant in the 11th arrondissement called “Les p’tites indécises.”

Using what was once a small flower shop, or fleuriste, Les p’tites indécises has large windows for walls allowing customers to comtemplate the quiet street and passerbys over a smooth peach kir or a carefully chosen wine. Full of light, color, and possessing a warm ambiance, this restaurant is completely packed by 8pm, so arriving earlier is definitely advised if you want a table, especially on Friday and Saturday night.

Les p'tites indécises 2

A light sweet kir comes in several fruit flavors

The menu is traditional French cuisine, however it follows the seasons serving heavier meat stews and rich green leaf salads in the winter, and lighter risottos (with truffles!!) and an excellent magret de canard in the warmer months. I admit to finding everything to die for on the menu, and with the prices never going over 20 euros a plat, I always end up eating more than I should!

Les p'tites indécises 3

A tasty scallop entrée served on a salted waffle

However, the one classic that has never left the menu since I have been dining at this restaurant, is the Valrhona chocolate fondant. Accented with a lime chantilly in summer, or with a sugared pineapple slice as seen below, this dessert does more than melt the mouth…it seduces it! I can’t say no, no matter how full I am…and I am always willing to wait the ten minutes extra it takes to prepare. A truly must get if you don’t have anything else!!

Les p'tites indécises 4

The "to die for" Valrhona chocolate fondant

So, if you are looking for a new place to try that is definitely excellent cuisine without breaking the bank, do make the trek to Les p’tites indécises…you won’t regret it!!

Les p’tites indécises

2, rue des 3 Bornes

75011 Paris

01 43 57 26 00

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